
Jennifer Rokeby-Mayeux


Jennifer is a master’s level social worker (CMSW), independent mental health practitioner (LIMHP), and is trained & certified in perinatal mental health (PMH-C). She has been counseling individuals since 2015.

Jennifer has specialization in perinatal mood disorders and women’s issues. She works best with individuals over sixteen on interpersonal struggles, depression, and anxiety. She also enjoys working with older adults/elders. She thrives when working with people facing life transitions such as transitioning to college, beginning and ending marriages, folks new to parenting, aging & retirement, & moving.

She established Meadowlark Counseling on the foundation that counseling should be accessible to all, regardless of their proximity to quality counselors. Meadowlark Counseling offers in-person counseling in our Lincoln office and can bring counseling to you using our confidential telehealth platform.

Issues We Treat

Life Transitions

Experiencing change can be destabilizing, even if it’s a transition to one of our life dreams, such as buying a home. Major changes are stressful, and these stressors disrupt our routines, can alter our self-image, and can come with grief over the loss of our former realities. If you are experiencing a major life transition, therapy may help soften the landing.

Work/Career Difficulties

Most clients complain about work- It’s the easiest thing to talk about. But, for others, work is a source of extreme turmoil. The inability to gain meaningful employment can jeopardize our self-worth. Managing tight budgets only goes so far when we need to change careers but don’t know how to juggle everything that comes with it. For others, maintaining jobs seems impossible due to communication habits that die hard. Work is a humongous life task, and therapy can help us feel encouragement, take meaningful steps toward change, and figure out what kind of career we might enjoy.


Self worth is a real struggle for many many people. Unrealistic images of what our bodies should look like, and constructed messages about life are all around us. These narratives in our head can dominate our thoughts. Aging, how much money we make, narratives from our family of origin on what people should be like- all overwhelm our innate sense of goodness and lovability. If you struggle to see your value and belonging, therapy can help.

Highly Sensitive People (HSP)

Are you an empath who is easily affected by other peoples’ energy? Are you burnt out from feeling the feelings of everyone around you? Tired of being everyone else’s therapist? Do you barely have time to take care of your own needs at the end of the day? Highly sensitive people have unique mental health challenges that requires new skill-building, compassionate support, and insight work, which can all be accomplished in therapy with Jennifer.

Aging Concerns

As each birthday passes, another concern arises. Health problems begin to appear, financial stressors loom. Issues such as retirement come into view. Questions like “did I do good with my life?” surface. As we age, our problems and perspectives change. There’s no roadmap to life, so it’s often confusing and sometimes painful. Therapy can help make sense of unexpected turns and give us a roadmap to moving forward with joy and dignity.

Parenting Challenges

Parenting. It’s a challenge for the best of us! Whether you’re a new parent or the parent of adult children, it’s a job that is unrelenting. How do we maintain our composure and offer our kids the very best we can? How can we break the chain of intergenerational problems? How can we make better decisions than our parents when it’s so easy to fall into the way we were parented. What if your kid has a concern nobody talk about? A rare illness or a learning disability or identity factors outside the norm? What do I do? Therapy can help you answer these questions with calm, lovingness, and confidence.

Life Stressors

We’ve all been through the ringer with COVID, but life just keeps on happening, huh? Do you feel overwhelmed, tired, bored, apathetic? Or maybe your stress presents as agitation, irritability, a dark sense of humor, and a short temper. Stress has a deleterious effect on our mental and physical health. It’s really important that we learn how to manage it in healthy ways, not by doom scrolling or binge eating or drinking to excess. Therapy helps people learn how to manage and cope with life stressors. We can’t wait to show you some new tools.

Perinatal & Post-Partum Changes

Whether you’re getting ready to give birth or you’ve already accomplished that feat, changes are happening to your body and mind that may leave you bereft of certainty or comfort. Therapy for folks who are new parents or growing their families is super important to your child’s development and your serenity. New parents often experience unique challenges to sanity with lack of sleep, social supports and community care, and the individual challenges of your child. Therapy can help sort things and return you to homeostasis.

Grief & Loss

Whether you’re expecting a loss or not, losing people, jobs, pets, or relationships can be devastating. With them, we sometimes feel we’ve lost a piece of ourself. Grief has it’s own timeline and often the people in our lives who mean well make things worse by telling us to get up and do things we are not ready to do. Honoring grief as a symptom of love and care is a sacred ritual that can happen in therapy. With the unconditional acceptance of a therapist, many people find they’re able to process the things they’ve bottled up or hidden away. Let’s move through the rage, sadness, fear, and tiredness together.

Relationship Issues

Are you experiencing discord in a relationship? Is it effecting your sleep, your work, your ability to show up for other aspects of your life? Therapy helps people sort out what’s what in relationships. We can help you get back on track, learn crucial communication skills, deepen your understanding of yourself and one another, and create ease and peace in your friendships, family, and romantic relationships.

Students & Mental Health Professionals

Therapists need therapists too! Are you in school to become a counselor, social worker, marriage and family therapist? There are unique challenges to becoming a helping professional and understanding things like imposter syndrome. Therapists have their own issues too, such as compassion fatigue, countertransference, and a feeling of heaviness about the world. Therapy can help. Jennifer works with other healthcare workers often and enjoys getting to the bottom of your issues so you can move on with your own life.

Contact us.

Email: jennifer@meadowlarkcounselingne.com
Phone: 402-405-4815